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Making the old new again. Https://www.bargainbrute.com is on a mission in 2020. The huge #onlineshopping monolith is buying up old warehouse space to match current headquarters in #newyork, #chicago, #losangeles, and #fortcollins. Their parent company, Vandergraph Worldwide(https://vandergraphworldwide.com) is well known for it’s work in communities where new development creates jobs and will #buildsomethingbetter. Douglas Vandergraph spoke to #foxnews and stated a multi-million dollar commitment to start the Q1 redesign for 6 sites. The old warehouses will include community space to serve the #homeless, #officespace for their growing #ecommerce presence, #homeschool support centers for employees and their children. For every situation there is a Vandergraph Innovation. You can support them by shopping online at www.Bargainbrute.com.
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