Have a strong interest in lecturing about dust in Gainesville, FL. Managed a small team getting to know easy-bake-ovens in Edison, NJ. Spent college summers researching licorice for no pay.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Friday, July 27, 2018
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Friday, July 20, 2018
Shopping for a computer and electronics
Computers and electronics are a part of an incredibly vicious industry. Finding deals is becoming more and more challenging, and with the convenience of online shopping, you are capable of comparing prices, selecting quality and tailoring the deal which would suit you best. With that in mind, it’s a challenging task as when you’re purchasing a computer and electronics you’re essentially aiming for a long term solution, an asset that will last a long time and provide you with the highest of qualities throughout the entire period, without causing you any type of nuisance. What is the approach you should embrace when choosing the right product?
Figuring Out the Design
People either focus too much or ignore that factor altogether. The ways your properties look project a certain image of you. Furthermore, the design goes much deeper than the way the item looks. Optimized design grants better end user experience and is most likely due to the result of a good build quality, which is quite important when aiming for long lasting computers and electronics. For example, buying a keyboard which you don’t feel comfortable with could possibly have e negative impact on your overall work, especially if you’re using a computer for your profession.
Buy the Latest Version You Can Afford
We know this sounds like bait, however, there are quite a few reasons to buy the latest version of a product. Indeed, it comes at a greater price; however, the price to quality to usefulness ratio is the highest as well. First of all, the latest model of a product means that it will have the longest amount of support by the company producing it. For example, Samsung phones come with the latest android; however, the company usually supports the software of the phone for around four years, after which it stops. The second thing that happend is the phone completely loses it value and becomes slower over time, making it useless.
Think About the Specs
With the latter in mind, it does not mean that you should buy the most expensive computers and electronics which you can afford. There are always alternatives and different options to each product. Obviously, buying the latest Mac would be preferable if you’re a graphic designer, however, unless in you’re in around 2 or 3 industries, you most likely don’t require such an expensive computer.
It’s quite easy to get lost in all the latest, premium quality, well-designed products, but would you really use them to their fullest capacity, or are you just being pretentious? That doesn’t only go for the main components of the computers and electronics but also the external additional equipment. You could spend thousands for headphones, keyboards and etc. as long as you aim to do so, but would it really be worth it?
With this advice, we hope to have enabled you to make a more educated choosing when buying your next computers and electronics devices.
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/176091998219
Kids love to play. That’s the only thing they do with utmost interest and excitement, unless we are...
Kids love to play. That’s the only thing they do with utmost interest and excitement, unless we are talking about a sleepyhead. If your kid is not into playing, you have got some work to do!
As parents, you should encourage your kids to explore the world themselves through games and other things. One great way to contributing to your child’s growth is taking them to playgrounds. These play areas are where kids can engage in fun activities that also make them think and take control. However, do not be one of those annoying parents in the playground who nobody likes.
It’s even better if you have a backyard of your own! The backyard can be really useful for many purposes. You can have barbecue parties there, or you can spend some quality alone-time there while working on important stuff. You can even turn that backyard into something like these backyards that kids just cannot resist. Small kids would also love shopping for a birdhouse for the backyard and a nice set of swings.
Amidst all this fun, safety of your child should be the top-most priority. Kids can hurt themselves while playing, eat something harmful off the ground or just fall victim to an unfortunate situation. Therefore, sufficient supervision is required to avoid any mishap.
We mention here some tips on child safety in the backyard of your home.
1. Keep them away from the grills
During the parties at your backyard, do not let your kids go near the barbecue grill. They can burn themselves on the grill or the coal and also catch bacteria from raw meat that could lead to food poisoning. They should not be allowed to come near the barbecue area both during and after cooking, as grill and coal can still be hot and may cause burns and injuries. Make sure you allot them a safe play area in the backyard during parties and keep an eye on them.
2. Don’t let them push the mower
You should always mow the garden while keeping children out of the yard. They may get some grass in their eye or catch germs. Also, do not let them ride or push the mower. It has a high risk of them hurting themselves. Store the mower and its fuel out-of-reach of your children.
3. Get safe swing seats
Backyard is a great place to have a swing set up. Kids love to be pushed on the swing. However, the injuries from swing accidents are very common. If children are not careful of the speed and do not hold the rope tight enough, they may fall down in a very hurtful manner. You should always keep an eye on them when they are on a swing and teach them to be safe. For infants, you should get an enclosed swing seat that prevents them from falling out and is comfortable as well.
Kids will be kids and they will not care about their safety while in the backyard of their home. It’s the job of the parents to take measures that will keep their children safe. The equipment in the yard should not be hazardous and there should be no garden chemicals sprayed while kids are there.
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/176091247234
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Get Your Dream Smart Watches For Sale From Sarah VANDERGRAPH at SarahsFashions.com
Watches are an important accessory that is useful for both men and women. If you are a person who wears watches regularly, you will know how vital it is to be punctual. Today, so many varieties of watches are available in the market catering to different needs. There are even specific watches to wear for different occasions to look elegant and classy. On the other hand smart watches, which are multi-functional, are really popular among both adults and kids. If you need one that has many amazing options, you can purchase one from Bargain Brute where you can find different smart watches for sale.
Android Smart Watches for Sale
Choosing a good android watch is no easy task, especially when you are given so many equally amazing options. You can have many benefits through purchasing one of the android smart watches for sale here. There are many good options like Bluetooth, GPS tracking, play store and message alerts that can be very beneficial for you. These stand out from the ordinary watches as they perform these tasks in addition to telling time.
Bluetooth Smart Watches
These are another kind of smart watch for sale at Bargain Brute for you to purchase. It is a very inexpensive watch which has so many impressive features that you can use. It is used as a remote control for your smart watch and will alert you whenever you receive a call or a message. These smart watches for sale are a great deal since you don’t have to constantly hold on to your phone anymore. Keep your hands free while you enjoy the digitalized modern era!
Cell Phone Smart Watches
This is also another impressive kind a smart watch that performs the equal functions of a cell phone. It is only more convenient as you can wear it on your wrist while engaging in your busy schedule. These smart watches for sale let you answer and attend to calls without the help of your cell phone. Even messaging has become more versatile with these cell phone smart watches. Now you reach out to your family and friends without your smart phone!
LED Watches
If you need calendar features along with time, led watches is what you should select among the smart watches for sale. These have digital and analog LED display which will let you keep up with time even in a dark place. It is very popular among kids and mountain bikers as this is very attractive and functional at the same time. Another reason why it is popular among children is that it is not too sophisticated like an android smart watch but is very simple and user-friendly.
All these attractive, smart watches for sale are available at Bargain Brute for very affordable prices. There is a range of choices available in each of these categories so that you can choose according to your wish. So, if you are looking for a perfect smart watch, get them soon before they are gone.
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/176060395449
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Amazon Strike
I haven’t actually gotten this question, but I’m sure some people are thinking it: Why am I so supportive of the Amazon strike?
I know I’m showing my age here, but I come from a time when you would see striking workers A LOT. Once upon a time, before they were gutted, unions had power. Even in the 1980s you would see picketing workers with their signs, and most people respected those workers and wouldn’t cross picket lines.
GOP leaders were very successful in convincing the people of the US that unions were bad and were taking their money and doing nothing for them. Republican voters tended to support this sentiment, even though they were being hurt by it. The GOP was also able to convince people that the ‘minimum wage’ was not supposed to be a living wage, among other falsehoods that led to the disintegration of union power.
My dad was one of those people who thought that unions did nothing for people, until he (as a newbie in the DPW) was elected as steward for his chapter. And now he understands how much unions do, and also the fact that the powers that be WILL do anything to exploit their workers. Without union protection, company leadership would have people working zillion-hour workweeks with no overtime… This is what unions prevent. Unions also arbitrate grievances, lobby for decent health care, and prevent unfair termination.
Let me me repeat something in slightly more detail: Your boss will not do nice things for you out of the goodness of their heart. Because of shiny capitalism, your boss’s only job is to make money, and they will exploit you to get that money. As much money as they can. And they will gaslight you into believing that’s just fine.
Which brings us back to the Amazon strike.
Strikes need to work. The American people (and the people of the world with their own unions) need to see that strikes work. These workers aren’t picketing to whine about slight inconveniences–they are literally dying in the course of their jobs. They are striking for fair work conditions. They are striking for fair pay.
The middle class in capitalist countries seems to operate on the notion that they will one day become “The Boss,” and thus, the enemy of unions. So a subset of people, generally Republicans, will rail against unions, even while making their paltry $9/hour, because they believe that one day, they’ll be making $500/hour and will hate unions just as much as their exploitative boss does now. So for this slightly non-zero probability, these people harm themselves to provide for a future they’ll likely never achieve.
Repeating the truth again: Your boss is exploiting you. They may be friendly, they may act like family, but they are still squeezing you for every dollar they can get from you. Because every dollar they’re not giving to you, they are putting in their pocket.
And if I am ever in a situation where I need to strike, I want it to have power. I want my boss to look at the Amazon strike, and at the strikes of teachers in various states, and the UPS strike against the 7-day workweek without overtime, and see that strikes WORK. You can’t leave all the power in the hands of the upper class, because they’ll use that power to strangle you.
So I don’t care if it’s inconvenient. I don’t care if you need something that just happens to come up for sale on Prime Day.
Do Not Cross That Picket Line.
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/175884821204
Friday, July 13, 2018
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Beard is the new black!One of the greatest health and beauty...

Beard is the new black!
One of the greatest health and beauty trends in men’s history is the current fad of growing stubble or a beard and pulling it off with complete panache. This trend has been here for a while now and thankfully, it does not seem to be going away anytime soon.
Men will admit it – the moment they move their fingers through their beard, they instantly feel satisfaction and a certain boost in confidence. Even the ladies love a man with some irresistible facial hair. That being said, growing and maintaining a beard in its full glory is definitely not a straightforward or an easy task. This will need just as much attention and management as anything.
If you are up for it, we have got some tips for you that will help you grow a beard and maintain it to keep looking great. Man up and get ready!
1. Shave all your facial hair – Do it!
When you have decided to grow a beard, the first thing you need to do is get clean shaven. Sounds weird? Well, your face is the playing field for your beard, you must look to start from scratch and give your facial hair the nice, clean start it deserves. Remember to use a razor such as American Safety Razor Tri-Flexxx that is light on skin and does the job exceptionally well. You will not be shaving for months now, make sure you do it right.
2. Be patient – It’s the key here too!
Once you have shaved, leave your facial hair alone and do not touch it no matter what. And remember, a beard does not grow overnight. You will probably need to wait for months to grow a beard and finally be able to look into the mirror in awe of it. The equation is simple – if you do not have enough patience, you cannot have a beard. Therefore, wait a little more before giving in to the frustration.
3. Know when to trim and how much – It’s the trickiest part!
Once you have let your facial hair grow for weeks, it’s time you check if you need any trimming. Regular trimming is crucial to allow your beard to grow the way it is supposed to, with right texture and in right direction. Letting the beard grow is an easy job but its maintenance can be tough, and that’s where most men fall short.
4. Use products – The right ones!
When your beard has grown enough where you can roll your fingers through it, you should now make sure it grows out all healthy. And for that, you can use Beard Balm. Like anything else, your beard needs proper nourishment to grow thick and bushy while looking extremely classy. Beard Balm will ensure that your beard gets all the nourishment and moisturizing it needs. The right product like this can also treat the split ends, dryness and tangles.
Men look great with a beard. Not saying that clean shaven men are not good-looking, but men with a luscious, full-of-luster beard have always been the flag-bearers of machismo and style. Grow a beard and be one of them.
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/175831789669
Health and Beauty skin care routine for menThe modern or the...

Health and Beauty skin care routine for men
The modern or the “alpha” male knows that taking care of both body and the mind is essential to succeed through the daily challenges of life. Whether it’s work on weekdays, family commitments on weekends, or some other stuff that you have to take care of, everything requires you to be in your best mental and physical state.
To consistently and effectively manage the stress in professional and personal life, it is crucial that you form certain health and beauty rituals of your own that will help you stay fit, both physically and mentally. And ensuring proper skin care along with daily exercise, morning run, healthy diet can all help you keep looking and feeling your very best. However, it takes real determination and a certain level of programming in your daily routine.
Here, we are sharing an effective nighttime skin care routine that will ensure that you rejuvenate everyday and always put your A-game forward.
1. Shower – Just the boost your sleep needs!
Let’s just agree that nothing feels better than taking a shower after a long, tiring day. It gets even better when you take a shower and go to bed feeling all light, fresh and clean. Showering at night also ensures good sleep, which is essential if you want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to live the day to the fullest. A good nighttime routine simply isn’t possible without including those cozy night showers.
2. Scrub – Get rid of all the dirt!
Cleansing skin everyday is important. There is a lot of dirt that accumulates on your skin and if the pores are not exfoliated and cleansed regularly, the dirt can turn into bacteria and slowly damage your skin. To avoid all that, you should be cleansing your skin every day and exfoliate using a good product such as Tom Ford’s Exfoliating Energy Scrub For Men. This will revitalize your skin, making you feel lighter and healthier. Adding this to your nighttime routine will do wonders to your skin and well – your confidence.
3. Moisturize – Keep your skin smooth and supple!
Moisturizing is beneficial whenever you do it. However, nighttime moisturizers are specially made to give your skin the treatment it needs to rejuvenate all through the night and stay smooth and soft. Men’s skin is typically tough and moisturizing daily can play a key role in keeping it healthy and clean.
4. Apply Eye Cream – Stay young forever!
As age starts casting its signs on the face of a person, it’s the eyes that are affected the most. Wrinkles around the eyes, dark circles, eye bags, they all find a comfortable home on the face, often making you look older than you actually are. Using eye creams such as Anti-Fatigue Eye Treatment for Men can be effective in keeping the effects of aging at bay and fighting the fatigue that often shows around your eye area. Add this cream to your nighttime skin care regime and see the difference in only a few days.
Skin care for men is just as important as taking care of the physique and mental health. The above mentioned routine will ensure that your skin looks great, always.
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/175829895979
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
One of the emerging online trends is grocery shopping in an...

One of the emerging online trends is grocery shopping in an online grocery store. It’s quite a convenient way of saving time in the normal, busy lifestyle routine. That being said, many people are afraid of the possibility of purchasing low-quality products that were delivered to the store’s storage a month ago. We’re looking to dive deep into the topic of the business an online grocery store conducts, and enables you to make an educated choice of whether or not you should be taking advantage of its services.
Should You Order Grocery Products Online?
You can access the virtual store at any location as long as you have a stable internet connection and a device, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home. Most of the online grocery stores work around the clock and have online support, meant to provide you with answers to any of your questions and address your concerns. You won’t have to physically move, avoiding all of the hassles after a long day of work and you could even order the products before leaving work, to optimize the delivery.
Keeping that in mind, there is always the down side of poorly designed online grocery stores which make the end user experience quite unpleasant and confusing. Even if that is the case, all of them would listen to your feedback and constructive criticism in order to improve their services in the future, which is a lot more than what you could say for the physical supermarkets.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of an Online Grocery Store
You are given the opportunity to choose between having the product delivered to your doorstep or pick it up from a certain location. Of course, the “transaction” wouldn’t be instantaneous, and most stores do give a two-hour time gap between the purchase and the actual delivery, however, you could always ask for an emergency delivery. Another down side is that most of the stores simply won’t deliver goods past midnight, which is quite logical as there wouldn’t be too many people purchasing goods at that time frame, making it inefficient to hire staff to oblige to the needs of such individuals.
Online shopping is quite a convenient and easily fits in a person’s schedule around all other responsibilities. The biggest disadvantage would be the time of the delivery, especially around the weekend and major holidays such as Christmas or Easter as people “reserve” the delivery slots weeks in advance.
The quality of the products in an online grocery store, however, is guaranteed. A few complaints about the quality of the goods might drive the business down the trenches, so it makes the utmost sense to only deliver premium quality goods, leaving all customers happy and satisfied. Besides, most stores do offer a full refund, upon the dissatisfaction of a customer. It only becomes a tricky situation when ordering fruits and vegetables as the definition of “ripe” differs from one person to another, and someone else would be making the choice for you.
These pros and cons should have provided you with the information required to choose whether or not you want to spend money in an online grocery store.
source https://bargainbrutedotcom.tumblr.com/post/175800201754
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Monday, July 2, 2018
Improve Your Income And Other Aspects Of Your LifeHOW TO IMPROVE YOUR INCOME AND OTHER ASPECTS OF...
Improve Your Income And Other Aspects Of Your Life HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR INCOME AND OTHER ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE. https://www.bargainbrute....

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